Monday, October 21, 2013

Skin . 10 Things You Did not Print

PielePielea is one of the vital organs of the body. It is a natural barrier to the environment , that protects us from an invasion of foreign bacteria . For bacteria , the skin is a vast desert and oily , with few food sources .

Only the most resistant bacteria can colonize the skin , and they can not wait any scratch , you will become a short road to an environment . You can read further and other facts about the skin.

January . The hardness of the skin is determined by keratin . It is a protein which is found in hair and nails. Keratin assembles into filaments , forming an impenetrable net .

February . The skin is a continuous coating , but in the mouth it is transformed into a mucous membrane . Is a sensitive mouth opening for bacteria colonization , but fortunately , the bacteria that pass meet with lysozyme in saliva ( lysozyme is a bactericidal enzyme ) . Going and lysozyme , the environment reach , has a pH of 2-3 ( gastric juice ) , where they will be killed quickly .

Three . If you were to combine all the capillaries of the skin , we get a length of over 15 km ! Being highly vascularized skin can lose up to 10 liters of water by sweating in hot weather conditions .

April . Meissner receptors located in the skin ( hands , lips, tongue , penis or clitoris ) , may respond to a pressure of only 20 milligrams . Thus, we feel the touch of a hair .

May . The skin regenerates amazingly fast . Every minute , 50,000 dead cells leaving us . These cells will form dust.

June . Oily skin ! This expression defines the type of skin sebaceous glands have a higher production of sebum - thus becomes oily skin . The same " fat " and our hair . Dandruff is dead skin cells of the scalp .

July . We can hear the skin ! Do not imagine that we mini- ears. There are areas of skin that can be driven sound to the inner ear , avoiding external ear canal . Such an area is behind the ear, on the temporal bone .

August . Burns are among the most dangerous skin trauma ! Once destroyed the outer shell , inside our fluids evaporate quickly . Besides dehydration, skinless become a walking target for bacteria , at least for a time. They would invade us immediately!

September . A burn that hurts even to breath air is preferable to a burn that does not hurt. The explanation is simple . Burn that hurts has exposed nerve endings and chances are your skin to recover . Instead a burn that does not hurt, or fourth degree burn , it will not cure the contrary, necrosis extended to the surrounding regions .

10 . In human embryos , fingerprints appear only after the 3rd month of pregnancy. There are people that fingerprints never appear . The reason is two rare genetic mutation , known as Naegeli syndrome and pigmentary dermatopatia crosslinked . These people will never be identified by fingerprints.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

A healthy fall!

Changing seasons can take a toll on us ... Days and nights are becoming cooler and SkinWhitening Forever the sun "with teeth" that begins to shine in the sky shows us more clearly that we are not playing with the weather ... Since we allow walks through the forest parks and barbecues, but soon we get from naphthalene winter clothes. Appropriate to protect your health from the dangers that lurk you this fall!

The lungs are the most sensitive organs in the autumn months. As such, it is time to focus on preventing colds, influenzas, cough, throat red and so on. For people who are already prone to lung diseases such as bronchitis, pneumonia and emphysema, autumn is the best season to take precautions to help minimize vulnerability to body and preparing for winter.

Avoid power!

Temperatures are falling, nights are getting cooler, and in some regions the wind starts beating with increasing power. So we recommend you to be careful as it may be to cold drafts. To avoid illness, make sure the neck, wrists and ankles, you are not exposed to cold, wind and / or current. It began as a "classic" cold ...

Pay attention to dry in the air!

During autumn, the wind - whose power increases gradually - and creates a cold dry air that affects your skin and lungs. Effects of natural tendencies common to autumn dryness worse as they begin to put the heat at home, at work or in the car to escape the cold outside.

Skin and your lungs do not "agree the" especially dryness, so it is important to drink plenty of fluids to keep hydrated always these organs.

Less spicy food

Because the lungs are especially sensitive in the autumn months is a good idea to decrease the amount of food in your diet spicy bodies to avoid irritation. As a result, the lungs will be less vulnerable to pathogens.

Pay attention to how you feel

The most important is to be very careful in how you feel. Once you get the first signs of a cold you "catch" to take appropriate preventive measures. Try to balance your diet, including vegetables, fruits, seeds and / or grains (rice, wheat, etc..), And a few little spicy foods.

Fallen leaves, a danger to people with allergies

Although it is a delight to our eyes due to unique colors and beautiful carpet that is laid on the ground and on the footpath leaves fallen from the trees, wetlands, can host bacteria and molds that can cause allergic reactions, manifested by headaches, red and runny nose heavy, swollen eyes that shows itching, bronchitis, asthma, etc..

If the leaves are burned, a practice usually fall to facilitate their decomposition health issues mentioned above became ...

Since only about 15% of the population suffers from allergies, many people will not have problems due to exposure to allergens. But if you are among the unfortunate allergy, it is desirable to completely avoid this exposure. If you really need to collect fallen leaves in the front yard or in the alleys your house during this activity towards the face mask to filter microscopic particles of dust, allergens and mold. In addition, the operation is prefarabil gathering fallen leaves to make as long as they are still dry and not wet.

When you're done, you do not "contaminate" the house with the clothes on display during the gathering dead leaves. Use a line of clothes "work" or "sacrifice", which then remove clothing as soon as you finish the job and they cleaned up.

Insect bites ... big trouble!

Another thing that you must avoid when you are outdoors is the bites and stings of insects and spiders. Many of these creatures are still present in the leaves and plants. Once the temperatures start to drop, they are becoming less and less active.

Really dangerous stings are rare, but these insects are determined to defend their life and attacking territory, especially as I can not get too easy to bullies because metabolism slowed. So I advise you to be extremely vigilant, to wear gloves and suitable protective clothing if you work in the yard and especially not in conflict with these "enemies" if you meet them!

If you have been stung by an insect or pinched and do not even know what species it is, immediately call the advice and care. You'll save a lot of trouble, since you can do pretty insect venom bad - tissue swelling, throbbing sensation or anesthesia, pain etc..

Watch the effort!

Do not forget that the summer months meant the whole period of idleness and inactivity ... So any activity "serious", which requires additional effort should be prepared accordingly. Either you get on the job and you back in shape enviable one, or take things step by step, without overreacting.

Otherwise, forcing and stress can be too much for your body. Heart attacks and strokes are often an unintended consequence of the activities produced in cold months such as dead leaves or snow close. Muscle soreness and back pain are common when you "go to battle" unprepared ... Advice is needed especially for adults who are not normally physically active.

Always perform warm up exercises before you get to a physical work! Stretching exercises will weaken muscle tension and prevent the accumulation of stress and strain that can lead to unfortunate accidents.

Leaf close death seems to be who knows what hard work, but twisting, stretching, bending, lifting and carrying bags loaded with leaves represent actions that require good physical condition to be able to work safely. As such, you are advised not to fill up the bags, especially not with wet leaves, and do not bend at the waist when lifting these "burdens". Bend your knees and keep your back in its natural position using your leg muscles to lift.

If you've exhausted all day trebaluind the yard is a good idea to start your morning with stretching exercises to remove muscle tension. If you close and someone to make you a massage is even better!